Clear Lenses
Daytime use when exposed to artificial light coming from screens & lighting.
Reduce Headaches & Eye Fatigue

Reduce Digital Eye Strain

Minimal Colour Distortion

Filters 50% of Blue Light
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When looking at blue light glasses, there are lots of different colored lenses to choose from. It's very important to understand what each lens does and how it can help you
Knowing what exact specifications to look for in each of these different colours is paramount to ensure what you're buying is going to actually work and be effective.
BlockBlueLight has extensively researched and developed a wide range of different lens colours that have been optimised to be the most effective for different applications and situations. Unlike most other blue light glasses available, we have developed superior lens technology by infusing our lenses with proprietary light filtering pigments that are produced in an optical lab to ensure superior clarity and blue blocking properties.
The list below gives you a full detailed overview of which colour you need and the specifications of each colour to look for when choosing your blue light glasses.
To be used during the daytime when exposed to artificial light coming from screens & lighting. Filters blue light by 50% across the entire blue light spectrum
See More InfoTo be used during the daytime for maximum protection against headaches, migraines, & eye damage. Filters blue light by 70% across the entire blue light spectrum
See More InfoTo be used at night-time to increase melatonin levels, lower stress levels, and improve sleep quality. Blocks 100% of blue light from 400nm to 500nm
See More InfoTo be used at night-time for the most optimal glasses available for increasing melatonin & optimising sleep. Blocks 100% of blue AND green light from 400nm-550nm
See More InfoDaytime use when exposed to artificial light coming from screens & lighting.
BenefitsReduce Headaches & Eye Fatigue
Reduce Digital Eye Strain
Minimal Colour Distortion
Filters 50% of Blue Light
Daytime Clear lenses are part of our ScreenTime Computer Glasses range. These blue light filter glasses are designed to be used during the daytime when a person is exposed to artificial blue light coming from computer screens, phones, tablets, LED, and fluorescent lighting. Our unique ClearBlue lens technology provides crystal clear vision with minimal colour distortion. The transparency of the clear lens allows the beneficial blue light through, which is responsible for alertness, motivation, and stable energy, whilst filtering down the damaging blue light wavelengths that may cause headaches, migraines, digital eye strain
The ScreenTime Blue Light Computer Glasses filter blue light by 50% across the entire blue light spectrum (400nm-500nm). More specifically, they filter blue light by 50% at 455nm. This is an extremely important feature you should ensure is included in your computer glasses, as the peak wavelength of blue light being emitted by digital devices is 455nm. In other words, for computer glasses to be effective, they should to be filtering this exact wavelength of blue light.
Sadly, not all computer glasses are created equal; most clear lens computer glasses on the market only mainly filter violet light and a small amount blue light up to 430nm. This means they aren't providing any blue light protection where it's needed the most. Make sure you opt for a brand whose computer glasses provide a full breakdown of the specification of their lenses to ensure they filter blue light across the entire blue light spectrum and focus on filtering 50% of blue light at 455nm.
To be used during the daytime for maximum protection against headaches, migraines, & eye damage.
BenefitsMaximum Daytime Protection
Assist with Light Sensitivity
Reduce Headaches & Migraines
Less Eyestrain & Eye Fatigue
Daytime Yellow lenses are part of our DayMax Blue Light Glasses range. These glasses provide maximum protection against blue light during the daytime and can often be described as light sensitivity glasses. The DayMax yellow lens block 100% of the lower part of the blue light spectrum which may be responsible for light sensitivity issues such as migraines, eye strain, and dry eyes.
The DayMax light yellow lenses are ideal for people who are light sensitive, regularly suffer from migraines and eye strain. These symptoms indicate the need more protection against blue light than our ScreenTime computer glasses are able to provide. If you also work in an office with large amounts of LED and Fluorescent lighting, or with no natural light, then DayMax Glasses may be a good option for you.
The light yellow DayMax lenses uses propriety filtering technology to specifically target and block 100% of blue light in the lower range of 400 - 455 nanometers; this is the most energetic and damaging light emitted from screens and lighting. More importantly, they still allow all the beneficial blue light through still which is in the latter part of the blue light spectrum from 455-500nm, this is the blue light that is essential during the day for optimal hormone production, stable energy, and motivation.
To be used at night-time to increase melatonin levels, lower stress levels, and improve sleep quality.
BenefitsBlocks 100% of Blue Light
Improve Sleep
Lighter Amber Lens
Lower Stress & anxiety
Night-time Amber Lenses make up our SunDown Blue Blocking Glasses Range. These amber blue light glasses block 100% of blue light. The SunDown Blue Light Blocking Glasses are designed for evening use to help increase melatonin levels and sleep quality. The amber lens is an ideal option for people still wanting a high quality premium 100% blue blocking lens, but prefer a lighter amber tint over the red lens to allow more colour perception in the evening hours.
Once the sun sets in the evening, we typically turn on LED lights in our home, watch TV, and look at phones and computer screens, and all of these are very high sources of artificial blue light. Any amount of exposure to blue light in the evening can send a strong signal to our brain that it's still daytime. The brain can respond to this by suppressing our sleep hormone, melatonin, and may increase the production of our stress hormone, cortisol. This can keep us feeling awake and alert when we are supposed to be winding down and feeling relaxed. The biggest symptoms of blue light exposure at night can be difficulties falling asleep and staying asleep. This is why it can be extremely important to block 100% of blue light at night to assist with getting deep and restful sleep.
Not all amber blue blocking glasses are the same. When looking to buy a set of blue light glasses for night-time, ensure the company can provide a lens testing report showing and verifying 100% of blue light is being blocked by their glasses, as even a small amount of blue light after sunset can send these daytime signals to your brain, which may significantly lower sleep quality.
To be used at night-time for the most optimal glasses available for increasing melatonin & optimising sleep.
BenefitsBlocks Blue & Green Light
Maximise Sleep Quality
Aligns with Academic Studies
Most Optimal Night-time Glasses
Nighttime red lens are used in our NightFall Blue Blocking Glasses range. These red lenses block 100% of blue light and 100% of green light up to 550nm. This makes them hands down the most powerful and effective blue and green light blocking lenses available.
So why block green light? Isn’t blocking blue light enough? Well, academic studies show it’s not just blue light that can be the problem; green is right next to blue in the colour spectrum, and the science shows the melatonin disruption range also extends into the green light spectrum up to 550nm. This means blocking both blue and green light has a more powerful effect and ensures your getting the maximum benefits from mitigating artificial light at night.
Sure, if you wear one of our SunDown Amber glasses you'll have a good chance of dramatically improving your melatonin levels and sleep quality, but the Nightfall Red glasses provide a greater chance of boosting the effect even further. If you're serious about your sleep, performance, and health, these are the glasses for you.